HOA Elections

Interested in joining the Board of Trustees?

Why Join the Board?

The HOA board plays a vital role in shaping the future of our neighborhood. It serves as the governing body responsible for making important decisions that affect the well-being, aesthetics, and overall functioning of our community. From ensuring adherence to established bylaws and regulations to managing the maintenance of shared amenities and addressing residents' concerns, the board's responsibilities are diverse and impactful. By joining the HOA board, you have the opportunity to actively participate in the decision-making process and contribute your unique skills and perspectives to the betterment of our community. Whether you have a knack for financial management, a passion for landscaping and beautification, or expertise in legal matters, your valuable insights can help shape the direction of our neighborhood and enhance the lives of our fellow residents.

How Voting works

  • HOA members vote for the board of trustees in December.

  • One vote per household is afforded a ballot paper to vote for up to 9 candidates for the board of trustees, depending on the number of vacant seats for the year.

  • Voters shall submit their list of candidates in-person at the December HOA meeting, or by designated a proxy.
    to represent them in-person at that meeting.

For more information on how proxy voting works, see section below.

Election Process

Our revised procedures are as follows:

  1. Annual General Meeting
    In this ballot, the HWHOA members vote for members to serve on the board of trustees. Depending on the year, the secretary will announce how many open slots are available for candidates, as the president and vice president serve a three-year term, treasurer and secretary serve two years, and the remainder one-year terms.

    Note: For the 2023 election year, all positions will be vacated for the elections.

  2. Tallying up the Votes
    The secretary tallies up all the votes, with the most popular names being elected to the open/vacated positions, on the day of the election, during the December meeting. For any tied votes for a candidate, a run-off election is conducted during the December meeting, with all members present at the meeting casting their votes for one of the two candidates.

  3. January Board Elections

    In the January meeting, the elected board of trustees conduct an internal ballot for all open positions. This is once again conducted by the current or prior secretary, and only elected board of trustees are able to cast their votes, in a closed meeting (to only the board of trustees).
    The available board of trustee positions include:

    1. President (3-year term)
    2. Vice President (3-year term)
    3. Treasurer (2-year term)
    4. Secretary (2-year term)
    5. Parks Representative (1-year term)
    6. Hospitality Representative (1-year term)
    7. Pool Representative (1-year term)
    8. Communications Representative (1-year term)
    9. Architecture (1-year term)

Proxy Voting

Proxy voting means that a homeowner authorizes another party to represent them in an association meeting and vote on their behalf., commonly when the homeowner themselves cannot attend the meeting. A trusted neighbor, friend, or board member is usually designated as the proxy.

The completed proxy form must be submitted to the secretary or on the day of the scheduled December meeting. This submission ensures that the appointed proxy has the legal authority to represent the absent homeowner during the meeting, with the discretion to vote on candidates on behalf of the owner.

Download Forms

Proxy Form

You can download the proxy vote, to set someone whom will attend the December meeting, to be your proxy.

Ballot Form

You vote for candidates in order of stack rank (preference). Download the form below and fill it out, and submit it in-person to the December meeting. Alternatively the proxy voter may fill out this form on your behalf.